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AhmedS Kasmani

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Alexis Brignoni

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ArcPoint Forensics

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Digital Forensic Survival Podcast

Hardly Adequate

Season 1, Ep. 33•Sunday, December 31, 2023We're saying hello to 2024 and catching up with Jacob who is the Penetration Testing Manager and Lead at CyberCX. Like most humans, Jacob wasn't born into pentesting. Or GRC. Or that events management role where he had to deal with a clogged toilet that was spilling sewage water on a dance floor that was all set up and ready for dubstep. We would say more but we think its better if you listen the whole way through :)Show moreRSSMore episodesView all epis...

Jai Minton

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John Dwyer

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Paraben Corporation

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Richard Davis at 13Cubed

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The CyberWire

SubscribeApple PodcastsApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsCastboxOvercastOvercastSpotifyRSSShow NotesGuilherme Venere from Cisco Talos joins to discuss their research on "A deep dive into Phobos ransomware, recently deployed by 8Base group." Cisco Talos discovered that 8Base’s Phobos ransomware payload contains an embedded configuration, which is a significant difference between 8Base’s Phobos variant and other Phobos samples that have been observed in the wild since 2019. In this 2-part research seri...